
Invisalign Won’t Interfere with Your Dating Life

Whether you’re on the hunt for a partner in life or just a date for the weekend, you need to feel confident about yourself to make a love match work. Are your teeth holding you back from smiling, swiping right, asking someone on a date, or accepting a date invitation? If you’re living with crooked, gapped, or misaligned teeth, Invisalign can get that smile back into working order, without interfering with your love life.

How can I improve my dating profile?

Before you go on any dates, you have the land the dates, and for many people that happens through dating apps. You may be reluctant to take any photos of yourself with less-than-perfect teeth, but that’s why you got Invisalign, right? To take those imperfections and turn them on their head.

Even with Invisalign in place, you can take great selfies for your profile – while smiling and showing your teeth – without anyone being the wiser about your orthodontic treatment. If you feel better about going without aligners for your photos, that’s OK too. Just slip them out for the photo op and put them right back in once your picture-taking is done. Just remember the rules – Invisalign must be worn 20 to 22 hours a day to be effective.

Most people begin to notice a difference in the appearance of their teeth after just several weeks of wearing Invisalign – and that will give you a serious confidence boost, online and offline.

How can I go on a dinner date if I’m wearing braces?

This is a legitimate question. After all, you don’t want to get anything stuck in your braces at dinner. But there is the beauty of Invisalign. No brackets or wires, only smooth, slim, clear aligners that are hard to see on your teeth. And, you remove the aligners for every meal and snack.

Sure, it might take a little practice and some surreptitious moves to get those aligners out of your mouth and safely into their case before the appetizers show up, but you can do it. A quick trip to the restroom before and after your meal – because you must clean your teeth and aligners before joining them back together after you’ve eaten – will ensure that Invisalign is out of the way when you need it to be and back in place after.

What if we’re meeting for drinks or coffee?

Invisalign must be removed when you’re drinking any beverage, except for water, otherwise you risk staining your clear aligners. While this might seem like a major pain, especially on a date, leaving the aligners in place makes them far more susceptible to discoloration. If that happens, you won’t have clear Invisalign on your teeth anymore, you’ll have spotty, discolored, yucky-looking, noticeable aligners in place.

Plus, most Invisalign patients have attachments on their teeth, little tooth-colored bumps that serve as small anchors for the aligners so they can get a better grip. Without proper care, the attachments can become discolored too, and that includes drinking with Invisalign in place, or neglecting to brush afterward.

Get ready to date!

Ready to perk up your dating profile? Ready to find the love of your life? Get on the path to Invisalign and a straight smile, done discreetly. Contact us now to speak with Haymarket Invisalign provider Dr. Sina Reangber and schedule a consultation to find out if you’re a good candidate for this treatment.

Dr. Sina Reangber

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