The coronavirus outbreak has forced us all to adopt a new normal. You’re taking care of yourself by washing your hands, not touching your face, and social distancing. Hopefully, good oral health habits haven’t fallen by the wayside. Don’t forget to make your teeth and gums a priority too.
Now is not the time to skimp on good oral health care. You may have to postpone your bi-annual dental cleaning and exam during the COVID-19 pandemic, so it’s more important than ever that you keep up with good oral health care at home.
If you’re worried about putting anything in your mouth because of the coronavirus, you’re not alone. Plenty of people have this fear. However, you can still take care of your teeth properly without putting yourself at risk.
Begin every brushing and flossing sessions by washing your hands thoroughly with soap and hot water. Avoid brushing too quickly just to get it over with and avoid brushing with a heavy hand because that action could damage your gums and tooth enamel. Brush at a normal pace for two minutes, getting all your teeth and your tongue. Floss thoroughly in between every tooth. If it makes you feel better, wear gloves while you tend to your teeth.
In times of stress, many people rely on certain foods and drinks to give themselves comfort. Exhausted? You may be relying on energy drinks or all-day coffee. Anxious? You may be munching on hard candy or ice. Want to relax? You may be into red wine. All these things are fine in moderation. Go overboard though and you risk damaging your oral health, creating a breeding ground for decay or tooth stains.
If you’re undergoing Invisalign treatment, that work doesn’t stop. Continue to wear your aligners 20 to 22 hours a day, removing them only for meals, snacks, and cleaning.
If you’re a new Invisalign patient, you have the unique opportunity to stay home and adjust to your aligners in private. If you’re an established Invisalign patient, you know what’s what and should maintain the status quo, change your aligners as indicated, and contact your Haymarket Invisalign provider when you need to pick up your new ones
Smile makeovers are on the back burner for now, but that doesn’t mean you can’t do some planning. It will do your mental health some good to think about the excitement of a new smile in the future. Do research on your cosmetic dentist’s website, scroll through before and after photos, bookmark images of celebs whose smiles you love.
Learn more about the procedures that might work best for you. Do you want to straighten your teeth? Invisalign could be your weapon of choice. Or maybe you’re a better candidate for porcelain veneers, which conceal every imperfection. Look into your options and look forward to your consultation with your Haymarket cosmetic dentist once life gets back to normal.
We are living in an unusual time. Do your best to take care of yourself in all ways. If you have a dental emergency, schedule an appointment with Haymarket dentist Dr. Sina Reangber. Your good health is our first priority.